Sunday, July 17, 2011

Fell asleep right where she was playing.
I was sorting through the other laundry basket and needed both hands, so this seemed like a good place to put her. Turned out she thought it was a good idea too!
Hanging out with baby sister.
Cute little man.
Lots has been going on at our house lately. We are loving it here! We've been working on getting our yard in, which has been quite the project because the weather hasn't been cooperating. Logan is talking up a storm, talking in sentences that are four words or better. He's also started calling us "Mommy" and "Daddy", which is pretty stinking cute. Lexie is turning out to be a pretty happy baby so far. She is doing lots of smiling and cooing. Yesterday (7/16) she rolled over for the first time (back to tummy). She's not quite three months old, so I was a little surprised she was able to pull that off so early.
All dressed and ready to go help Daddy with the yard. Logan's newest thing is putting on his own pants.
Helping Daddy work on the yard.
Smiles for Mommy.
Baby bath time.
Logan loved his new camping chair.

Logan's 2nd Birthday

Logan's "professionally" decorated birthday cake (translation - Mommy's first attempt at decorating with a frosting bag).
One of Logan's favorite friends, Emilee, helping open presents.
Ashley and Emilee helping.
Logan's big birthday present from Mommy and Daddy.

Sweet Baby Smiles

The only "posed" picture I got of Logan before his birthday party. He's looking at the ceiling at his balloon that he let go.
Lexie's first smiles.
Sweet baby. Lexie had the worst baby can kindof see it here.
Taking care of baby sister. Logan is sharing his coveted green blankie.
Sweet little baby feet.

More Summer

Auntie Brienn getting her snuggles on.
Crashed out and catching flies.
Our first camping trip of the year. Logan had so much fun playing with the other kids, by the time he went to bed he was totally pooped. This is where Daddy put him in bed...he didn't move an inch.

Road rash. Daddy had Logan in the back of the truck with the tailgate closed. Logan figured out how to open the tailgate from inside the truck, and out he went. He faired amazingly well. Poor little Booboo Head!

Summer 2011

Snuggling with Mommy and reading a book.
Father like son?
Helping feed baby sister.
Lovies for baby sis.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Few More...

Logan thought he should give sister's carseat a try. His cheesy "smile for the camera" smile is starting to look more like an actual smile.

Beautiful girl.

Hanging out before going on her first outing with Mommy and Daddy today. She slept the entire time :-)

More Lexie (and Logan too!)

Logan helping Mommy give Lexie her first bath.

Not happy at all. I'm pretty sure if you go back in the blog, there are pictures of Logan during his first bath. I think you might be hard-pressed to tell the difference!

Trying to put sister's hat on. Taking care of her already :-)

Kisses from the boys.

Smiling for Mommy.

Welcome Lexie Ann!

Daddy helping Logan snuggle baby sister. He loves her!

Sleeping angel :-)

With our new little addition, right after delivery. She was born at 12:22 p.m., 8 lbs. 1 oz, 20 1/2 in. long. Labor was a little long, but everything went really well!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Custom cherry cabinets. I am in LOVE with them. I obsessed about which color to have them stained, and now that they're installed I know I picked the right color. Super excited to see the granite and backsplash installed. The upper cabinets on the far left should have glass fronts...they'll be getting switched out :-) Built-ins in the living room surrounding the fireplace (this is looking at them from the kitchen). The house is coming along. It looks like they will start trimming everything out and hanging interior doors tomorrow (Monday). We close on our current house on the 22nd (also baby due date), so we have our fingers crossed that we'll be able to move in not too long after that. We'll see seems like there's a lot to be done still!

More House Pictures

36 weeks pregnant. This was just over 2 weeks ago.

The floor in the laundry room of the new house.
This is our master bathroom. Logan decided that he needed to be in the picture. When I squated down to get a better picture of the floor, Logan decided to squat down too. Silly boy!

Back of the house. It still looks about like this. We're waiting for it to get painted, but the weather hasn't been cooperating :-(

Front of the house.

Monday, February 14, 2011

House Construction and a Fat Lip

Roof is almost done. This was this weekend, 2/12/11.

From the back of the house.

Poor Logan! He tripped coming onto the wood and did a full-on faceplant.
It seems like Logan has at least one new word everyday, if not more, or he figures out how to say a word he's been saying correctly. For example, I am no longer "Ma"...I am now "Mom". He also says "milk" and "help" correctly.